Sunday, February 17, 2008


This weekend was made sweet by a brief but fun visit with Grandma. Grandma is doing well, although she becomes more fragile each time we see her. Of course, she insisted on fixing us a full meal, but she did allow me to help with the dishes which she doesn't do often. She got out family pictures, and we sorted through pictures she wanted us to copy for her. It seems you can't look through a pile of family pictures without lots of stories and lots of laughter. This is a picture of Grandma and Grandpa on their honeymoon. She is sixteen; he is 30. They hitchhiked their way from Montana to Washington. She told us a delightful story about Grandpa. At one point in their early married life, he joined the Wobblies, a radical labor union, and he went to Missoula to support them. He was drunk and disorderly and put into jail for loitering. His sister brought her uptight, snooty husband to bail Grandpa out. The brother-in-law proceeded to lecture Grandpa on the evils of alcohol. Grandpa got his dander up and told the brother-in-law to buzz off; he'd stay in jail!! And he did.
Can you find Dad in the picture? He's the little gypsy with the black scarf on his head. Betty is the lady in black and was the director of this little production. We all discussed how Betty managed to finagle Doug to wear a ladies bathing suit and cap--a mystery we couldn't solve.

This wonderful family picture was taken during a family vacation trip to Yellowstone Park.
Families are wonderful. We cherish our memories. Gathering priceless pictures, Mom


Susan said...

I LOVE the picture from Grandpa and Grandma's honeymoon - it's so sweet. The one of the play is HILARIOUS - Uncle Doug looks great!

Your favorite sister said...

Those are some great photos. I love looking back at pictures of Dad/ his life. Glad to hear that Grandma is doing well.