I find it so hard sometimes to write about what is most sacred and important in my life, but here goes. 37 years ago Tom and I met through his sister, Betty. It was the proverbial "love at first sight." One date that remains memorable to me is that one evening we sat on the floor in the study of my apartment and shared our favorite scriptures far into the night. Sounds sort of hockey by today's dating standards, but that evening told me the caliber of the man I'd fallen so hard for. I had been warned by well-meaning friends that Tom was "damaged goods"--divorced, father of a child, balding, inactive since he was working three jobs to make ends meet, broke...on and on. If I had had doubts before, they flew out the window on that night. We met in March and were married June 12 in Idaho Falls. As we knelt at the altar, I could hear someone sobbing uncontrollably, tears of joy. I thought it was Joan, but it was my friend, Nancy Smith, who'd been my mentor and supervising teacher who had also married a "damaged goods" guy. We spent our honeymoon, we always joke, looking for the YMCA in Butte, MT and shooing a herd of cattle off the highway. Now, six children, 14 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren later, we are still best friends, lovers, and companions. Our gait is a little slower, our hair grayer, and our waistlines broader, and we've weathered lots of ups and downs in our lives, but that "damaged goods" guy still makes me grit my teeth to stop my heart from fluttering when he gives me a little wave or squeezes my hand during prayer!! How I love him. And all of you. Mom
Aww ... I love your "How we Met" story - it's so romantic. I've never in my life thought of Dad as damaged goods - he's the best man I know. The strength of your relationship has given me and Eric such a great example of what marriage is supposed to be like. Happy Anniversary!
Susan always takes the words right out of my mouth! You and Dad have been such a wonderful example to Ben and I also. People are shocked when I tell them that I have never seen my parents fight. You both have taught us what love is.
Happy Anniversary! Your card is on the way....
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