Sunday, May 4, 2008


An early morning stroll brought some serendipitous moments today. We continue to marvel at our little bird sanctuary and the continuing return on the dollar!! As you look at the first picture, you can count five or six birds in the tree waiting patiently for their turn to devour black sunflower seeds. Feeding time is a regular chorus of chirping and calling to friends.

The lovely tulips were a lovely surprise. I could have sworn that I planted a large number of bulbs the summer before we left for our mission, but I had assumed that my memory was faulty, or none of them had survived. Today, as we were taking our stroll, I spotted these beauties out in the area we're trying to develop as "Aunt Annie's Garden." Not only have they survived but there are three or four clusters throughout Annie's garden. AND a rose bush that looked pretty sickly has blossomed and bloomed and survived!!!

We are doing well. Just before I was released from the hospital, Dad caught a head cold, so we have formed quite a chorus. I feel a little better each day. So does Dad. I have a pre-op meeting with the doctor in Portland on June 10, and we'll go from there. In order to cool down my gall bladder, I'm on a very limited diet. The doctor says, "Every food you love has to go! Mostly it's saturated fats and pop. Food--any kind--at the moment doesn't look all that great anyway. All is well--a little boring, but well. Enjoying Spring in the Gorge. Mom

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1 comment:

Susan said...

The tulips are gorgeous! I love them. The birds are sweet, too. You must have fun watching them.